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Today I want to explore different approaches to personal development, specifically tailored for…

Dec 31, 2023
Image of a table clock next to a 2023 calendar

Today I want to explore different approaches to personal development, specifically tailored for individuals with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). It distinguishes between resolutions, goals, and introduces a unique concept: choosing a “word of the year” for those navigating the challenges of C-PTSD. Resolutions focus on self-care, boundaries, therapy, and other personalized steps, emphasizing the importance of gradual progress. Goal setting involves therapeutic, self-care, social, empowerment, educational, emotional regulation, safety, stability, and trauma processing goals, highlighting the need for flexibility and professional guidance. The concept of a “word of the year” is presented as an empowering and symbolic way for individuals with C-PTSD to guide their intentions and focus throughout the year, with suggested words like resilience, healing, empowerment, and compassion. The overarching theme is promoting self-compassion, empowerment, and gradual healing for individuals with C-PTSD.


Individuals with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) may benefit from resolutions that prioritize their well-being, healing, and self-compassion. However, it is crucial to recognize that these resolutions should be tailored to the individual’s specific needs and progress should be gradual. Here are some examples of resolutions for individuals with C-PTSD:

Prioritize Self-Care: “I resolve to prioritize self-care by dedicating time each day for activities that bring me comfort and relaxation, whether it’s reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness.”

Establish Boundaries: “I resolve to identify and communicate my boundaries in relationships, recognizing that it is okay to say ‘no’ and prioritize my emotional well-being.”

Engage in Regular Therapy: “I commit to attending regular therapy sessions with a qualified mental health professional to work on processing past traumas and developing coping strategies.”

Cultivate a Support System: “I will actively seek and nurture supportive relationships in my life, connecting with others who understand and validate my experiences.”

Practice Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: “I resolve to incorporate mindfulness and grounding techniques into my daily routine to help manage anxiety and stay present in the moment.”

Set Realistic Goals: “I will set realistic and achievable goals for myself, acknowledging that progress is a journey and not a destination. I will celebrate small victories along the way.”

Explore Creative Expression: “I commit to exploring creative outlets, such as art, writing, or music, as a means of self-expression and processing emotions.”

Advocate for Personal Needs: “I resolve to advocate for my own needs in various areas of life, including healthcare, work, and relationships, recognizing that my well-being is a priority.”

Create a Safe Space: “I will actively work towards creating a safe and comforting physical environment, whether it’s in my home or personal space, where I can feel secure.”

Learn and Implement Coping Strategies: “I commit to learning and implementing healthy coping strategies for managing stress and emotional triggers, recognizing that I have the power to build resilience.”

Celebrate Progress: “I will celebrate my progress, no matter how small, and practice self-compassion as I navigate the challenges of healing from past traumas.”

It is essential for individuals with C-PTSD to work closely with mental health professionals in developing and adjusting resolutions based on their specific needs and circumstances. These resolutions should promote a sense of empowerment, self-compassion, and gradual healing.


Setting goals for individuals with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) should be approached with sensitivity and a recognition of the unique challenges associated with this condition. C-PTSD can result from prolonged exposure to traumatic events, often involving interpersonal relationships. Here are some general areas where individuals with C-PTSD might consider setting goals:

Therapeutic Goals: Engage in regular therapy sessions with a mental health professional who specializes in trauma. Develop coping mechanisms for managing triggers and emotional flashbacks. Establish a trusting and secure therapeutic relationship.

Self-Care Goals: Prioritize self-care activities, such as adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Develop a routine that promotes stability and a sense of safety. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress.

Social Connection Goals: Gradually build and maintain supportive relationships with friends or family members. Set boundaries in relationships to ensure emotional safety. Explore or join support groups for individuals with C-PTSD to share experiences and coping strategies.

Empowerment and Advocacy Goals: Identify personal strengths and areas of resilience. Advocate for one’s own needs in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and healthcare. Seek resources and information to better understand and manage C-PTSD.

Educational and Vocational Goals: Identify and pursue educational or vocational paths that align with personal interests and strengths. Set realistic career goals and develop a plan for professional growth. Advocate for workplace accommodations when necessary.

Emotional Regulation Goals: Learn and practice emotional regulation techniques. Explore creative outlets (art, music, writing) as a means of self-expression and emotional processing. Develop a personalized toolkit for managing emotional distress.

Safety and Stability Goals: Create a safe and secure living environment. Identify and address practical concerns related to housing, financial stability, and basic needs. Work towards establishing a sense of stability and predictability in daily life.

Trauma Processing Goals: Work collaboratively with a therapist to process past traumatic experiences. Establish a pace for trauma processing that feels manageable and safe. Incorporate trauma-informed practices into daily life.

It is important to note that goal setting for individuals with C-PTSD should be flexible, and progress may be nonlinear. Professional guidance from mental health experts, including therapists and psychiatrists, is crucial in developing and adjusting goals tailored to an individual’s unique circumstances and needs.

Word of the Year

The concept of a “word of the year” involves choosing a single word that encapsulates or represents a theme, focus, or intention for a specific period. People, organizations, and even dictionaries often select a word that reflects the prevailing sentiments, trends, or challenges of the time. The chosen word serves as a symbolic representation of the collective or individual mindset.

Selecting a “word of the year” for someone with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) can be a personal and empowering choice. The chosen word can serve as a guiding principle or a source of inspiration throughout the year. Here are some word suggestions that may resonate with individuals navigating the challenges of C-PTSD:

Resilience: Emphasizes the capacity to bounce back from adversity and develop strength in the face of challenges.

Healing: Reflects the focus on the journey towards recovery, growth, and emotional well-being.

Empowerment: Encourages a sense of control, autonomy, and strength in making choices that support personal well-being.

Boundaries: Highlights the importance of establishing and maintaining healthy emotional and interpersonal boundaries.

Compassion: Promotes self-compassion and understanding, acknowledging the challenges faced and the importance of treating oneself with kindness.

Grounded: Encourages staying present in the moment and cultivating a sense of stability amidst emotional turbulence.

Nurture: Emphasizes the importance of self-care, self-love, and tending to one’s emotional needs.

Growth: Reflects the commitment to personal and emotional growth, recognizing that healing involves continuous development.

Strength: Acknowledges the inner strength and resilience needed to confront and overcome the effects of trauma.

Mindfulness: Encourages the practice of being present and aware, promoting emotional regulation and stress reduction.

Recovery: Highlights the ongoing process of recovery from past traumas and the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Connection: Emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining supportive connections with others who understand and validate one’s experiences.

Courage: Encourages facing fears, embracing vulnerability, and taking courageous steps towards healing.

Renewal: Signifies the opportunity for renewal and positive change, focusing on creating a new and empowered narrative.

Balance: Promotes the pursuit of balance in various aspects of life, including emotional well-being, relationships, and self-care.

The word of the year should resonate personally with the individual, reflecting their goals, aspirations, and intentions for the upcoming year. It can serve as a daily reminder of their strength and commitment to healing.

In conclusion, by distinguishing between resolutions, goals, and the concept of a “word of the year,” we can determine an empowering journey toward healing. Resolutions emphasize tailored self-care steps, boundary-setting, and therapeutic engagement, promoting gradual progress and self-compassion. Goal setting spans therapeutic, self-care, social, empowerment, educational, emotional regulation, safety, stability, and trauma processing realms, acknowledging the need for flexibility and professional guidance. The concept of a “word of the year” adds a symbolic layer, allowing individuals to encapsulate their intentions and focus for the upcoming year with words like resilience, healing, and empowerment. The importance of fostering self-compassion, empowerment, and gradual healing for individuals navigating the challenges of C-PTSD is critical. If you choose to make one of these commitments for yourself as we enter the new year, I hope you are able to find your own unique path toward well-being and growth. Do not forget that trauma coaching is a fantastic way to stay focused on your goals and to identify ways to weave them into your overall well-being. Happy New Year!

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