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Unlocking Your Ikigai: Transitioning from Career to Vocation

May 02, 2024
Image of some construction blocks with the word vocation

In the realm of career guidance, the journey to self-discovery often begins with an introspective exercise known as Ikigai. Today, as I engaged with a client in my Trauma Responsive Career Guidance program, her question sparked a profound reflection on the disparity between a career and a vocation.

So, what sets these two paths apart? In a nutshell, a career is a series of professional milestones driven by financial objectives and advancement, while a vocation embodies a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment, rooted in personal interests and values.

Reflecting on my own trajectory, I’ve traversed two distinct career landscapes — one as a Registered Respiratory Therapist and another as an Employee Benefits Operations Leader. At times, these roles resonated with a sense of vocation, particularly my tenure in healthcare. However, the relentless demands of night shifts and holidays eventually led me to pivot towards a more financially lucrative domain — insurance. Yet, what began as a passion soon morphed into a pursuit of titles and paychecks, a testament to the allure of financial security.

However, life has a way of nudging us towards our true calling, often in the wake of adversity. The tumultuous events of a pandemic, coupled with the loss of loved ones, served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life. It was amidst this chaos that I recognized the need for a recalibration — a quest for overall wellness and a sense of purpose, a vocation.

My journey towards self-realization and alignment with my Ikigai — “I help people with Complex PTSD achieve overall wellbeing and fulfilling work” — has been a transformative one. Here are some pivotal steps I’ve gleaned along the way:

  1. Self-reflection: Delve into your innermost desires, values, and sources of fulfillment beyond the confines of your current career.
  2. Identify your vocation: Explore avenues that resonate with your passions and values, be it through hobbies, volunteer work, or personal projects.
  3. Research and skill-building: Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills to embark on your chosen vocation, whether through courses, workshops, or mentorship.
  4. Networking and seeking opportunities: Immerse yourself in communities aligned with your vocation, forging connections and learning from those who tread a similar path.
  5. Create a transition plan: Chart a clear roadmap delineating the steps needed to transition from your current career to your newfound vocation, setting tangible goals and timelines.
  6. Financial planning: Consider the financial implications of this transition, ensuring stability during the transitional phase.
  7. Start small: Dip your toes into your vocation gradually, whether through part-time pursuits or freelance projects, as you navigate the transition.
  8. Evaluate and adjust: Continuously assess your progress, recalibrating your approach as needed in response to challenges and setbacks.
  9. Seek fulfillment: Prioritize fulfillment and purpose in your vocation journey, recognizing that the pursuit of meaning transcends mere financial gains.

In essence, transitioning from a career to a vocation necessitates a willingness to embrace change, coupled with a steadfast commitment to aligning your professional endeavors with your intrinsic passions and values. By embarking on this transformative journey, you pave the way for a life rich in purpose and fulfillment, guided by the beacon of your Ikigai.

If you are looking for guidance in overcoming career difficulties, I would be happy to help!

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