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Resilience Career Coaching - 7 Tenets of Career Coaching for Mental Wellness

#bullying #c-ptsd #careerpath #complexptsd #culture #job #jobfit #jobloss #performancemanagement #profession #ptsd #ptsdawareness #resiliencecareercoaching #rightjob #toxicculture #trauma #triggers #workplace performancemanagement Jun 26, 2024

For career coaching to be truly effective, it must be tailored to the unique needs of each client, rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. This requires clients to be open and transparent with their coach about their reasons for seeking new opportunities.

For those who have experienced trauma, the support of a trauma-trained coach is crucial. This type of coaching goes beyond simply matching a job to professional skills; it involves personal reflection, understanding workplace triggers, learning how to manage those triggers, and finding the right organizational culture. Without this comprehensive approach, individuals may find themselves in a cycle of job hopping and struggle to achieve overall wellness.

At Resilience Career Coaching, our methodology is designed to holistically support clients on their journey toward personal and professional growth, integrating the following approaches:

  1. Validation: We prioritize creating an environment where clients feel heard, understood, and validated in their experiences, emotions, and aspirations. This fosters trust and rapport, laying the foundation for effective coaching.

  2. Realistic Optimism: We cultivate a mindset of realistic optimism, acknowledging challenges while maintaining a positive outlook on the possibilities for growth and change. This balanced perspective empowers clients to envision achievable goals and navigate setbacks with resilience.

  3. Empowerment: Central to our approach is the principle of empowerment. Clients are encouraged to recognize their strengths, talents, and potential. Through personalized guidance and support, they develop the confidence and agency to take proactive steps toward their career aspirations.

  4. Self-Compassion: We emphasize the importance of self-compassion in navigating challenges and setbacks. By cultivating self-compassion, clients learn to treat themselves with kindness and understanding, fostering resilience and self-acceptance in the face of adversity.

  5. Gratitude and Acceptance: Practicing gratitude and acceptance enables clients to embrace their current circumstances, cultivate a sense of contentment, and find meaning and fulfillment in their professional endeavors. These practices foster a positive mindset and resilience.

  6. Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognizing the dynamic nature of both personal and professional life, we promote flexibility and adaptability in goal-setting and action plans. Clients learn to navigate change with agility, adjusting their strategies to align with evolving priorities and circumstances.

  7. Mindfulness and Presence: Incorporating mindfulness and presence into coaching sessions fosters greater self-awareness, clarity, and focus. Clients learn to manage stress, enhance decision-making, and develop deeper connections with themselves and others.

Through these approaches, Resilience Career Coaching provides a comprehensive framework for supporting clients in their journey toward career fulfillment, resilience, and personal growth. By embracing validation, realistic optimism, empowerment, self-compassion, gratitude and acceptance, flexibility and adaptability, mindfulness and presence, clients are equipped with the tools and mindset needed to navigate the complexities of career development with courage, resilience, and authenticity.

Our approach was initially created to meet the needs of those with Complex PTSD but has organically expanded to include individuals with PTSD (single event), those who have been bullied, and survivors of traumatic performance management and job loss. Traumatic events are very personal, and what is traumatic to one person may not be to another. We respect the experiences of all clients and create a plan to help everyone move forward on their professional journey.

To schedule your free 15-minute discovery call, visit our website at

If you are looking for guidance in overcoming career difficulties, I would be happy to help!

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