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The Importance of Self-Care

#hospitalization #kittentherapy #majormedicalprocedure #nervous #peanuts #reduceanxiety #reducestress #selfcare #surgery Sep 29, 2024

I’m having major surgery on Tuesday. I'll admit that I’m nervous; I haven’t had an overnight hospitalization since my son was born almost 30 years ago. At a minimum, I’ll be admitted for at least a few days. For those of us with a history of trauma, these times can be even more stressful than for others. I tend to “plan for the worst” – which translates to worrying more than usual. As someone who feels a constant need to be in control, going into a situation where I have no control is difficult. With this in mind, it seems like self-care is a good topic to discuss in this blog post.

To get my head into a good space, I’ve spent more time focusing on self-care. For me, this has meant daily flotation therapy, meditation and regular stretching. I’ve made efforts to be more open about my needs, which is difficult given I’m usually the caretaker. I’m doing my best to walk more and focus on my breathing (anticipating that this will be very helpful post-op to prevent pneumonia). I distracted myself with a good audiobook and binge watched a limited series on Netflix. I'm caring for a litter of foster kittens that are not quite a month old - for me, they are the best form of self care.

The Importance of Self-Care Before Major Medical Procedures

Undergoing a major medical procedure can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Whether it's a surgery, a diagnostic test, or a long-term treatment, the physical and emotional toll can leave you feeling anxious or uncertain. One crucial aspect of preparing for any medical procedure is self-care. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health leading up to the event can improve your experience, aid recovery, and help you feel more in control.

Here are some key reasons why self-care is essential before a major medical procedure and how to incorporate it into your pre-procedure routine.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

The anticipation of a major procedure can stir up a range of emotions, from anxiety and fear to worry about outcomes. Stress weakens your immune system and can make recovery more difficult, so reducing anxiety is important. Practicing mindfulness techniques, like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga, can help calm your mind. Engaging in activities that bring joy, like reading, listening to music, or spending time with loved ones, can also provide an emotional buffer leading up to the procedure.

Boosting Physical Health

Your physical well-being plays a direct role in how well you handle the procedure and recover afterward. Focusing on proper nutrition, hydration, and gentle exercise can make a significant difference. A well-nourished body has the strength to heal more efficiently, while staying hydrated keeps your systems functioning at their best. Prioritize balanced meals rich in vitamins and proteins, which are vital for tissue repair and immune function.

If your doctor allows light exercise like walking or stretching can improve circulation, reduce tension, and boost your overall mood. Be sure to get adequate rest as well—your body needs sleep to recharge and prepare for what's ahead.

Strengthening Emotional Resilience

Major medical procedures can trigger a wide range of emotions, from fear to frustration, especially when there’s uncertainty about the outcome. This is where emotional self-care becomes vital. Consider speaking with a therapist or counselor to address any fears or concerns. Sharing your thoughts with a trusted friend or family member can also lighten the emotional load.

Journaling is another useful way to express your feelings and organize your thoughts. Writing about your concerns or hopes for the procedure can help you process them in a healthy way, giving you a sense of emotional release and control.

Improving Communication with Your Healthcare Team

Self-care doesn’t only mean managing your emotions or physical health—it also involves being an advocate for yourself. Before your procedure, make sure you are informed about what to expect. Ask questions, understand the risks and benefits, and make sure you’re clear about the recovery process. The more informed you are, the more empowered and less anxious you’ll feel.

Write down any concerns or symptoms you’ve experienced in the weeks leading up to the procedure. This proactive approach will help your healthcare team give you the best care possible. It’s a form of self-care that reminds you that your voice and comfort matter.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Preparing for a medical procedure can create a sense of helplessness, but maintaining a positive mindset can make a significant difference in your overall experience. Visualization techniques, where you imagine a successful procedure and smooth recovery, can help shape your attitude toward the event. Surround yourself with positive influences, such as supportive family members, encouraging books, or uplifting podcasts.

While it's normal to have concerns, focusing on positive outcomes can reduce feelings of dread and give you the strength to face the procedure with confidence.

Setting Up a Post-Procedure Support System

Another aspect of pre-procedure self-care is setting up your environment for recovery. Talk to family members or friends who can assist you after the procedure, whether it’s with meals, transportation, or emotional support. Having your home organized and comfortable for post-procedure rest is another way to ensure your recovery goes smoothly.

Knowing that you’ll have support in place afterward can ease your mind and allow you to focus on the present without worrying too much about what's to come.

Taking time for self-care before a major medical procedure isn’t just about pampering yourself—it’s about actively preparing your body, mind, and emotions to navigate a potentially challenging experience. Whether it’s managing stress, boosting physical health, or ensuring strong communication with your healthcare team, every small step counts. When you prioritize self-care, you not only enhance your overall well-being but also set the stage for a smoother procedure and recovery process.


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