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Unlocking Trauma Healing: Exploring Bilateral Stimulation Methods in EMDR Therapy

Mar 26, 2024
Front view of the gray eye of a girl with yellow hair and light tan

My first encounter with EMDR left me feeling empty, as if the technique had passed me by without a trace. The therapist’s lack of experience only added to the frustration; use of buzzers and tapping yielded no breakthrough. Perhaps the timing wasn’t right. A car accident and subsequent concussion prompted us to stop the process. It wasn’t until years later, under the guidance of a new therapist, that I mustered the courage to give EMDR another shot. This time, with the gentle embrace of headphones enveloping me in sound, I found unexpected success. It’s a lesson I hold dear: the journey to healing is not always linear, and setbacks are part of the process. To fellow travelers on the road of Complex PTSD, I offer this advice: don’t lose hope if EMDR doesn’t work on the first try, or even the first few attempts. Keep exploring, keep experimenting, and you may just unlock the door to profound healing and growth.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach used to treat trauma, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. It involves a structured protocol that incorporates bilateral stimulation (BLS) to facilitate the processing of distressing memories and emotions. Here’s a comparison of different methods used for bilateral stimulation in EMDR:

Buzzer or Tappers:

  • Description: Buzzer devices or tappers are handheld devices that produce bilateral tactile stimulation. They typically vibrate or emit alternating pulses of tactile stimulation, which the client holds or wears during EMDR sessions.
  • Usage: The therapist instructs the client to hold the buzzers in their hands or wear them in their palms, with one buzzer in each hand. The buzzers produce rhythmic bilateral stimulation, which the client focuses on while recalling distressing memories or thoughts.
  • Benefits: Buzzer devices offer a convenient and portable option for delivering bilateral stimulation during EMDR sessions. They can be easily controlled by the client or therapist and provide consistent tactile stimulation.


  • Description: Tapping involves the therapist or client tapping rhythmically on the client’s knees or hands to produce bilateral tactile stimulation. The tapping can be performed manually by the therapist or with the assistance of handheld devices such as tactile pulsers.
  • Usage: During EMDR sessions, the therapist may instruct the client to tap rhythmically on their knees or hands while focusing on distressing memories or sensations. The therapist may also provide tactile pulsers that the client can use to self-administer tapping stimulation.
  • Benefits: Tapping provides a simple and accessible method for delivering bilateral stimulation during EMDR therapy. It can be easily adapted to fit the client’s preferences and comfort level, and it can be incorporated seamlessly into the therapy process.


  • Description: Some EMDR protocols utilize auditory bilateral stimulation in the form of alternating tones or sounds delivered through headphones. The tones may vary in pitch or frequency, alternating between the left and right ears to create bilateral auditory stimulation.
  • Usage: The client wears headphones during EMDR sessions and listens to the alternating tones or sounds while focusing on distressing memories or emotions. The therapist may adjust the volume, pitch, or frequency of the tones to optimize the effectiveness of the auditory stimulation.
  • Benefits: Auditory bilateral stimulation provides an alternative option for clients who prefer or respond better to auditory cues. It can be particularly useful for individuals who have difficulty with tactile or visual stimulation or who prefer a more immersive sensory experience.

Overall, the choice of bilateral stimulation method in EMDR therapy depends on factors such as client preferences, comfort level, and individual response to different forms of sensory stimulation. Therapists may also tailor the method of bilateral stimulation based on the client’s needs and therapeutic goals. Each method offers unique benefits and can be effective in facilitating the processing of traumatic memories and emotions during EMDR therapy.

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