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Understanding Trauma Reactions Despite Blocked Memories Aug 22, 2024

 Trauma can profoundly impact a person’s mental and physical well-being. While some individuals vividly remember their traumatic experiences, others may have blocked or repressed these memories. Surprisingly, the absence of conscious recollection does not always shield a person from...

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The Challenges of Making Friends as an Adult and How Traumatic Experiences Can Make It Even More Difficult Jul 30, 2024

Today is International Day of Friends, a wonderful opportunity to celebrate those special people we choose to have in our lives. True friends, especially as adults, are rare and precious gems. I deeply value the friends I have and hold dear the memories of those I've lost to illness. My journey...

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The Impact of Trauma on Vulnerability Jul 14, 2024

Trauma can leave deep scars, invisible to the eye but profoundly felt within. It reshapes our sense of self, warping perceptions of safety and trust. Among its many guises, trauma often manifests through layers of shame and vulnerability, emotions that intertwine to form a complex web of inner...

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