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Online Courses

I'm excited to announce the launch of my online courses, designed to empower employees with the knowledge they need to navigate time away from work confidently. Unlike the basic "101" presentations you might find on insurance or legal sites, my courses delve deeper, providing comprehensive insights into the often confusing world of workplace accommodations, leaves of absence, and disability benefits.
In these courses, you'll get a thorough understanding of the relevant lingo, policy provisions, key claim milestones, and, most importantly, the paperwork involved. If you've ever struggled with filing a claim, you know how daunting the forms can be for both employees and healthcare providers. My courses are here to demystify the process and make it accessible.
You can now access these valuable resources on my website. Individual course prices range from $20-$50, or you can get the full "Time Away from Work" bundle, which includes all three courses, for just $80. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain the clarity and confidence you need to manage your time away from work effectively!

All courses include a downloadable, copyrighted PDF of the course content. 

Featured Courses

Leaves of Absence: More than FMLA
Disability Benefits 201
Inclusive Workplaces
Time Away from Work Bundle - All 3

Popular Courses


Coming soon!

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