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Navigating Success: Completing College After 40 May 01, 2024

Embarking on the journey of completing college after the age of 40 can be both daunting and empowering. While society often emphasizes the importance of pursuing higher education at a young age, the reality is that life circumstances and personal goals vary widely. For many individuals, the...

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The Magic Behind A Name May 01, 2024

My mother had envisioned naming me Melody, a name she found melodious and enchanting. However, my father held a different opinion, leading to the adoption of the name Penny. Throughout my childhood, my mother would recount that I was named after Penny Hughes, a character from the soap opera...

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Unveiling Workplace Dynamics: Understanding Types of Bullies and Their Impact on Self-Confidence Apr 30, 2024

In the intricate tapestry of workplace interactions, the presence of bullies casts a dark shadow over the professional landscape. From the intimidating critic to the subtle manipulator, workplace bullies manifest in various forms, each leaving a distinct mark on the self-confidence and well-being...

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Navigating the Road to Recovery: My Journey with Complex PTSD, Jaw Misalignment and Visual Midlineā€¦ Apr 17, 2024

As I embark on sharing my personal journey, I do so with the hope that my story will illuminate pathways for others navigating the labyrinth of their own complex medical circumstances. With each word penned, my aim is to offer not just a narrative, but a beacon of understanding and solidarity to...

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The Cycle of Self Sabotage Apr 03, 2024

The concept of self-sabotage is rooted in psychology and has been observed and studied across various therapeutic modalities. While the exact origin of the self-sabotage cycle is complex and multifaceted, it can be traced back to several psychological theories and factors:


  1. Psychodynamic...
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Coping with Complex PTSD: Understanding Emotions Apr 02, 2024

Welcome to the journey of emotional discovery! For years, I navigated life with minimal awareness of my feelings, a journey often exacerbated by a family environment where emotional expression was relegated to the shadows. As a parent, I realized the profound impact of this emotional illiteracy...

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Unlocking Trauma Healing: Exploring Bilateral Stimulation Methods in EMDR Therapy Mar 26, 2024

My first encounter with EMDR left me feeling empty, as if the technique had passed me by without a trace. The therapist’s lack of experience only added to the frustration; use of buzzers and tapping yielded no breakthrough. Perhaps the timing wasn’t right. A car accident and...

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Navigating Trauma: Understanding Leaves of Absence and Healing Mar 20, 2024

In the journey of life, unexpected challenges can arise, shaking us to our core and leaving lasting imprints on our well-being. Trauma, in its many forms, can significantly impact our ability to function in our daily lives, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical health. In the workplace,...

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Complex PTSD as a Neurological and Psychiatric Diagnosis Mar 18, 2024

 Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is a condition that arises from prolonged, repeated trauma, often in interpersonal relationships, such as childhood abuse or neglect. It’s important to recognize that C-PTSD is not simply a psychiatric condition but involves complex interactions between...

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Finding Fulfillment: The Pursuit of Satisfaction in Your Work Mar 03, 2024


In our quest for a meaningful and fulfilling life, our work plays a central role. After all, we spend a significant portion of our time and energy in the workplace. Yet, for many people, the pursuit of satisfaction in their work can feel elusive. Whether it’s feeling stuck in a...
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The Power of Facing Your Fears Feb 21, 2024

In the tapestry of human experience, fear is an ever-present thread, weaving its way through the fabric of our lives. From the mundane to the profound, fear manifests in myriad forms, holding us back from realizing our true potential and inhibiting our pursuit of happiness. Yet, embedded within...

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Love Beyond Measure: National Organ Donor Day Feb 14, 2024

Love Beyond Measure: National Organ Donor Day

Love is in the air as Valentine’s Day graces our calendars today, but did you know that February 14th holds even more significance? It’s also National Organ Donor Day—a day dedicated to celebrating the profound impact of organ...

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